Creative Schools

The Creative Schools initiative supports schools to put the arts and creativity at the heart of children’s and young people’s lives. This initiative provides opportunities for children to build their artistic and creative skills; to communicate, collaborate, stimulate their imaginations, be inventive, and to harness their curiosity. It empowers children to develop, implement and evaluate arts and creative activity throughout their schools and stimulate additional ways of working that reinforce the impact of creativity on children’s learning, development and well-being.

We took part in this initiative over the last two years and thanks to the funding and work completed by our Associate Tunde and the Creative schools committee, we developed and created a number of wonderful projects. These included: a school mosaic incorporating our new school crest, a wall mural in our sensory garden as selected through an art competition of children’s own work, a workshop on animation using technology and a willow igloo sculpture. The children really enjoyed this initiative and all the planning, discussions and preparations that took place prior to creating the various artistic projects.