About Our School

St. Patrick’s NS Strangsmills is a rural co-educational school with 8 single mainstream classes. We have 3 Special Education Teachers and 3 Special Needs Assistants.

We are an inclusive school, welcoming children of all religions, needs and abilities. Our interested and talented staff create a caring and happy school where children feel safe and secure in our care.

We have very good relationships with both children and parents and have a good communication system within our school.

We are serviced by two bus services, public and private, covering both the Kilmacow and Ferrybank areas.

We also have links with afterschool services in ‘Little Sunshines’ and ‘Bumblebees’ in Ferrybank.

School begins at 9.00 am.

School ends for Junior and Senior Infants at 1.40 pm.

School ends for 1st – 6th classes at 2.40 pm.

Small break is at 11.00 – 11.10 am.

Lunch break is from 12.35 – 1 pm.